Code for %{query} command

#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';

const utils = require('../utils/utils.js');
const kb = require('../handler.js').kb;
const got = require('got');
const shell = require('child_process');

module.exports = {
  name: 'kb channels',
  invocation: async (channel, user, message) => {
    try {
      const msg = utils.getParam(message.toLowerCase());

      const shell = require('child_process');

      const getBotChannels = await utils.query('SELECT * FROM channels');

      const getLoggerChannels = await utils.query('SELECT * FROM channels_logger');

      const dbSize = (
        Number(shell.execSync('sudo du -s /var/lib/mysql/kbot').toString().split('\t')[0]) /
        1024 /

      const owner = await utils.Get.user().owner();

      // response for non-admin users
      if (user['user-id'] != owner[0].userId) {
        return `${user['username']}, Bot is active in ${getBotChannels.length} channels, logger is in
                ${getLoggerChannels.length} channels and has collected ${dbSize}GB of data 4Head`;

      // parameters for admins
      // check for wrong parameters
      if (msg[0] && !msg[1]) {
        return `${user['username']}, invalid parameter or no channel provided`;

      if (!msg[0]) {
        return `${user['username']}, Bot is active in ${getBotChannels.length} channels, logger is in
                ${getLoggerChannels.length} channels and has collected ${dbSize}GB of data 4Head`;

      if (msg[0] === 'rename') {
        let _user = await utils.Get.user().byUsername(msg[1]);

        if (!_user.length) {
          return `${user.username}, username was not found.`;

        _user = await utils.Get.user().byId(_user[0].userId);

        if (_user.length < 2) {
          return `${user.username}, no name changes were found.`;

        for (let i = 0; i < _user.length - 1; i++) {
          const checkTables = await utils.query(
            `SHOW TABLES LIKE 'logs_${_user[i].username}'`

          if (checkTables.length) {
            const newName = _user[_user.length - 1].username;
            const oldName = _user[i].username;

              `${user.username}, logs_${oldName} was found` +
                ` as a original logs table for ${newName}, starting the rename process...`

            await utils.query(`RENAME TABLE logs_${oldName} TO logs_${newName}`);
            setTimeout(() => {
              kb.say(channel, `${user.username}, table renaming completed.`);
            }, 1000);

            await utils.query(
              `UPDATE channels SET channel="${newName}" where channel="${oldName}"`
            await utils.query(
              `UPDATE channels_logger SET channel="${newName}" where channel="${oldName}"`
            setTimeout(() => {
              kb.say(channel, `${user.username}, channel join config has been updated.`);
            }, 2000);

              `${user.username}, channel owner logs have been updated to the new name.`
            await utils.query(
              `UPDATE logs_${newName} SET username="${newName}" WHERE username="${oldName}"`
            setTimeout(() => {
                `${user.username}, channel owner logs have been updated to the new name.`
            }, 5000);

            setTimeout(() => {
              kb.say(channel, `${user.username}, Restarting to apply changes...`);
            }, 6000);

            setTimeout(() => {
                `${user.username}, channel owner logs have been updated to the new name.`
                `Successfully finished the channel after-rename process, you will be able to use the bot in ~30s :)`
            }, 7000);

            setTimeout(() => {
              shell.execSync('pm2 restart init');
              shell.execSync('pm2 restart logger');
            }, 30000);

            return '';

        kb.say(channel, `${user.username} no pre-existing tables were found.`);

      if (msg[0] === 'join-bulk') {
        const bulkJoin = async _channel => {
          const requesteer =
            _channel.split(':by:').length > 1
              ? `(requested by channel moderator: @${_channel.split(':by:')[1]})`
              : '';

          _channel = _channel.split(':by:')[0];

          const checkRepeatedInsertBot = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM channels
                        WHERE channel=?`,

          const checkRepeatedInsertLogger = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM channels_logger
                        WHERE channel=?`,

          const checkTables = await utils.query(`SHOW TABLES LIKE 'logs_${_channel}'`);

          if (checkRepeatedInsertBot.length) {
            return `[bot] ${user['username']}, I'm already in this channel. [${_channel}]`;

          if (checkRepeatedInsertLogger.length) {
            return `[logger] ${user['username']}, I'm already in this channel. [${_channel}]`;

          const userId = await got(`${_channel}`).json();

          if (checkTables.length) {
            await utils.query(`
                            INSERT INTO channels_logger (channel, userId, added)
                            VALUES ("${_channel}", "${}", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)`);

            await utils.query(`
                            INSERT INTO channels (channel, userId, added)
                            VALUES ("${_channel}", "${}", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)`);


            return `${user['username']}, rejoined channel #${_channel}`;

          // add the channel to the table
          await utils.query(`
                        INSERT INTO channels (channel, userId, added)
                        VALUES ("${_channel}", "${}", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)


          await utils.query(`
                        CREATE TABLE logs_${_channel} (
                            ID INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                            username VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
                            message LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
                            date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
                            PRIMARY KEY (ID) USING BTREE,
                            FULLTEXT INDEX message (message)

          await utils.query(`
                        INSERT INTO channels_logger (channel, userId, added)
                        VALUES ("${_channel}", "${}", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)`);

            `I have successfully joined this channel ${requesteer} MrDestructoid`

          return `successfully joined ${_channel.replace(
          )} :) 👍 ${requesteer}`;
        const _msg = utils.getParam(message.toLowerCase(), 3);

        for (let i = 0; i < _msg.length; i++) {
          setTimeout(async () => {
            kb.say(channel, await bulkJoin(_msg[i]));
          }, 2000);

        setTimeout(() => {
          shell.execSync('pm2 restart logger');
        }, 2000 * _msg.length);

        return '';

      // check if logger is in specified channel
      const checkRepeatedInsert = await utils.query(
                SELECT *
                FROM channels_logger
                WHERE channel=?`,

      const checkRepeatedInsertBot = await utils.query(
                SELECT *
                FROM channels
                WHERE channel=?`,

      const checkTables = await utils.query(`SHOW TABLES LIKE 'logs_${msg[1]}'`);

      const userId = await got(`${msg[1]}`).json();

      switch (msg[0]) {
        case 'join':
          if (checkRepeatedInsertBot.length) {
            return `[bot] ${user['username']}, I'm already in this channel. [${msg[1]}]`;

          if (checkRepeatedInsert.length) {
            return `[logger] ${user['username']}, I'm already in this channel. [${msg[1]}]`;

          if (checkTables.length) {
            await utils.query(`
                            INSERT INTO channels_logger (channel, userId, added)
                            VALUES ("${msg[1]}", "${}", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)`);

            await utils.query(`
                            INSERT INTO channels (channel, userId, added)
                            VALUES ("${msg[1]}", "${}", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)`);

            shell.execSync('pm2 restart logger');

            return `${user['username']}, rejoined channel #${msg[1]}`;

          // add the channel to the table
          await utils.query(`
                        INSERT INTO channels (channel, userId, added)
                        VALUES ("${msg[1]}", "${}", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)


          await utils.query(`
                        CREATE TABLE logs_${msg[1]} (
                            ID INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                            username VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
                            message LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
                            date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
                            PRIMARY KEY (ID) USING BTREE,
                            FULLTEXT INDEX message (message)

          await utils.query(`
                        INSERT INTO channels_logger (channel, userId, added)
                        VALUES ("${msg[1]}", "${}", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)`);

          shell.execSync('pm2 restart logger');

          kb.say(msg[1], 'I have successfully joined this channel MrDestructoid');

          return `successfully joined ${msg[1].replace(/^(.{2})/, '$1\u{E0000}')} :) 👍`;

        case 'part':
          if (!checkRepeatedInsertBot.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I'm not joined in that channel.`;

          if (!checkRepeatedInsert.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I'm not in that channel.`;

          // delete the row with provided channel
          await utils.query(`
                        DELETE FROM channels
                        WHERE userId="${}"

          await utils.query(`
                        DELETE FROM channels_logger
                        WHERE userId="${}"


          shell.execSync('pm2 restart logger');

          kb.say(msg[1], 'Parting the channel MrDestructoid 🔫');
          return `parted the channel ${msg[1].replace(
          )} with logger and bot.`;

        // join channel to logger's channel database and restart to apply changes
        case 'join-logger':
          if (checkRepeatedInsert.length != 0) {
            return `${user['username']}, I'm already in this channel. [${msg[1]}]`;

          if (checkTables.length != 0) {
            return `${user['username']}, I'm already in this channel. [${msg[1]}]`;

          // create table with logs for the specified channel
          kb.say(channel, `${user['username']}, creating table "logs_${msg[1]}"`);
          await utils.query(
            `CREATE TABLE logs_${msg[1]} (
                            ID INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                            username VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
                            message LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
                            date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
                            PRIMARY KEY (ID) USING BTREE,
                            FULLTEXT INDEX message (message)

          const sleep = milliseconds => {
            const start = new Date().getTime();
            for (let i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
              if (new Date().getTime() - start > milliseconds) {

          // add the channel to the database
          await utils.query(`
                        INSERT INTO channels_logger (channel, userId, added)
                        VALUES ("${msg[1]}", "${}", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

          shell.execSync('pm2 restart logger');
          return `done SeemsGood`;

        // part channel from logger's channel database and restart to apply changes
        case 'part-logger':
          if (!checkRepeatedInsert.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I'm not in that channel.`;

          // part the channel
          await utils.query(`
                        DELETE FROM channels_logger
                        WHERE userId="${}"

          shell.execSync('pm2 restart logger');
          return `done SeemsGood`;
    } catch (err) {
      return `${user['username']}, ${err} FeelsDankMan !!!`;