Code for %{query} command

#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';

const utils = require('../utils/utils.js');

module.exports = {
  name: 'kb joemama',
  invocation: async (channel, user, message, platform) => {
    try {
      const msg = utils.getParam(message);

      // get data from file
      const joke = (await utils.query('SELECT * FROM momjokes ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1'))[0]

      // get a random emote from database
      const randomEmote = await utils.query(
			 	SELECT *
			 	FROM emotes
			 	WHERE channel=?
			 	LIMIT 1`,
        [channel.replace('#', '')]

      // check for . or ! at the end of string
      const patt = /[.|!]$/g;
      const response = patt.test(joke) ? joke.slice(0, -1) : joke;

      if (platform === 'whisper') {
        return `${utils.lCase(response)}}`;

      let username = user.username;

      if (msg[0]) {
        const _user = await utils.Get.user().byUsername(
          msg[0].replace(/@|,/g, '').toLowerCase()

        if (_user.length) {
          const checkIfOptedOut = await utils.query(
	                    SELECT *
	                    FROM optout
	                    WHERE command=? AND username=?`,
            ['joemama', _user[0].username]

          if (checkIfOptedOut.length && user.username !== _user[0].username) {
            return `${user.username}, that user has opted out from being a target of this command.`;

          username = _user[0].username;

      return `${username}, ${utils.lCase(response)} ${
        randomEmote.length ? randomEmote[0].emote : 'LUL'
    } catch (err) {
      await utils.errorLog(err);