Code for %{query} command

const utils = require('../utils/utils.js');
const creds = require('../credentials/config.js');
const got = require('got');

module.exports = {
  name: 'kb lastfm',
  invocation: async (channel, user, message, alias) => {
    // get correct param depending on if message is an alias
    const _message = message.split(' ')[1];

    const msg =
      _message === 'lastfm' || _message === 'music' || _message === 'song'
        ? utils.getParam(message.toLowerCase())
        : utils.getParam(message.toLowerCase(), 1);

    const api = await utils.Get.api().url(message);

    // checks if output message is not too long
    class ModifyOutput {
      constructor(input, trim = 30) {
        this.input = input;
        this.trim = trim;

      trimmer() {
        const noPing = str => {
          if (str.toLowerCase() === 'constera' || str.toLowerCase() === 'nymn') {
            return str.replace(/^(.{2})/, '$1\u{E0000}');
          return str;

        if (!Array.isArray(this.input)) {
          return this.input.length > this.trim
            ? `${noPing(this.input.substr(0, this.trim))}(...)`
            : noPing(this.input);

        let result = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < this.input.length; i++) {
            this.input[i].length > this.trim
              ? `${noPing(this.input[i].substr(0, this.trim))}(...)`
              : noPing(this.input[i])
        return result;

    try {
      if (msg[0]) {
        if (msg[0].startsWith('@')) {
          this.msg = msg[0].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '');

          const checkIfOptedOut = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM optout
                        WHERE command=? AND username=?`,
            ['lastfm', this.msg]

          if (checkIfOptedOut.length && user['username'] !== this.msg) {
            return `${user['username']}, that user has opted out from being a target of LastFM command.`;

          const findUser = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM user_list
                        WHERE username=?`,
            [msg[0].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')]

          if (!findUser.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, this user does not exist.`;

          const userData = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM access_token
                        WHERE platform="lastfm" AND user=?`,

          if (!userData.length && alias === 'song') {
            return `${user['username']}, this user is not playing anything on their Spotify and they are not registered for LastFM.`;

          if (!userData.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, this user is not registered for this command.`;

          if (
            userData[0].allowLookup === 'N' &&
            user['username'] !== msg[0].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')
          ) {
            return `${user['username']}, this user's settings do not allow for a song lookup, ask them to use kb lastfm allow :)`;

          const lastfmCurrPlaying = await got(
          const lastfm = lastfmCurrPlaying.recenttracks.track[0];

          if (!lastfm?.['@attr'] && alias === 'song') {
            return `${user['username']}, no song is playing on ${findUser[0].username}'s LastFM or Spotify FeelsDankMan`;

          if (!lastfm?.['@attr']) {
            return `${user['username']}, no song is playing on ${findUser[0].username}'s LastFM FeelsDankMan`;

          let [playing, artist] = new ModifyOutput([

          const response = `Current song playing on ${findUser[0].username}'s LastFM: ${playing} by ${artist} `;

          try {
            const youtube = await`${} by ${lastfm.artist['#text']}`);
            return response + `${}`;
          } catch (err) {
            if (err.error?.code === 403) {
              return response + ' [ran out of youtube queries]';
            return `${user['username']}, unexpected error FeelsDankMan`;

      const userData = await utils.query(
                SELECT *
                FROM access_token
                WHERE platform="lastfm" AND user=?`,

      if (msg[0] === 'unregister') {
        if (!userData.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, you are not registered for lastfm command.`;

        await utils.query(
                    DELETE FROM access_token
                    WHERE user=? AND platform="lastfm"`,

        return `${user['username']}, you have been successfully unregistered from lastfm command.`;

      if (!userData.length && alias === 'song') {
        return `${user['username']}, nothing is playing on your Spotify or LastFM FeelsDankMan`;

      if (!userData.length) {
        return `${user['username']}, To get access to lastfm command, follow the login process on`;

      if (msg[0] === 'allow') {
        await utils.query(
                    UPDATE access_token
                    SET allowLookup="Y"
                    WHERE platform="lastfm" AND user=?`,

        return `${user['username']}, you allowed other registered users to lookup your playing songs.`;

      if (msg[0] === 'disallow') {
        await utils.query(
                    UPDATE access_token
                    SET allowLookup="N"
                    WHERE platform="lastfm" AND user=?`,

        return `${user['username']}, other users won't be able to view your currently playing song anymore.`;

      const lastfmCurrPlaying = await got(
      const lastfm = lastfmCurrPlaying.recenttracks.track[0];

      if (!lastfm?.['@attr'] && alias === 'song') {
        return `${user['username']}, no song is playing on your Spotify or LastFM FeelsDankMan`;

      if (!lastfm?.['@attr']) {
        return `${user['username']}, no song is playing on your LastFM FeelsDankMan`;

      let [playing, artist] = new ModifyOutput([,

      const response = `Current song playing on ${user['username']}'s LastFM: ${playing} by ${artist} `;

      try {
        const youtube = await`${} by ${lastfm.artist['#text']}`);
        return response + `${}`;
      } catch (err) {
        if (err.error?.code === 403) {
          return response + ' [ran out of youtube queries]';
        return `${user['username']}, unexpected error FeelsDankMan`;
    } catch (err) {
      if (err.response?.statusCode ?? false) {
        return `${user['username']}, ${utils.status(err.response.statusCode)} FeelsDankMan`;

      return `${user['username']}, no song is playing on your LastFM FeelsDankMan`;