Code for %{query} command

#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';

const utils = require('../utils/utils.js');

module.exports = {
  name: 'kb rl',
  invocation: async (channel, user, message, platform) => {
    try {
      if (platform === 'whisper') {
        return 'This command is disabled on this platform';

      const checkChannel = await utils.query('SHOW TABLES LIKE ?', [
        `logs_${channel.replace('#', '')}`,

      if (!checkChannel.length) {
        return `${user['username']}, I'm not logging this channel, therefore I can't display data for this command :/`;

      const msg =
        message.split(' ')[1] === 'rq' ? utils.getParam(message, 1) : utils.getParam(message);

      if (msg.includes('teodorv')) {
        return 'FeelsBadMan <3';

      const whitelist = [

      // checks if output message is not too long
      class ModifyOutput {
        constructor(input) {
          this.input = input;

        trimmer() {
          if (channel === '#forsen' || channel === '#vadikus007') {
            if (this.input.includes('⣿')) {
              return ' [braille copypasta]';
            return this.input.length > 93 ? `${this.input.substr(0, 93)}(...)` : this.input;
          return this.input.substr(0, 430);

      // kb rq
      if (msg[0] === 'rq') {
        // check if user points to other channel
        let userSpecifiedChannel = msg.find(i => i.startsWith('#'));
        userSpecifiedChannel =
          !global?.userSpecifiedChannel ?? true
            ? userSpecifiedChannel
            : userSpecifiedChannel.toLowerCase();

        if (userSpecifiedChannel) {
          if (
            (userSpecifiedChannel === '#supinic' || userSpecifiedChannel === '#haxk') &&
            userSpecifiedChannel != channel
          ) {
            return `${user['username']}, specified channel is opted out from being a target of this command flag.`;

          // check if user exists in the database
          const checkInputChannel = await utils.query('SHOW TABLES LIKE ?', [
            `logs_${userSpecifiedChannel.replace('#', '')}`,

          if (!checkInputChannel.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I'm not logging the channel you specified :/`;

 = `logs_${userSpecifiedChannel.replace('#', '')}`;

          let randomResults;

          if (whitelist.filter(i => i === {
            const max = await utils.query(
                            SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                            FROM ??
                            WHERE username=?`,
              [, user['username']]

            const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * max[0].count) + 1;

            randomResults = await utils.query(
                            SELECT *
                            FROM ??
                            WHERE username=? LIMIT 30 OFFSET ${rand}`,
              [, user['username']]
          } else {
            randomResults = await utils.query(
                            SELECT t.*
                            FROM ?? AS t
                            JOIN (
                                SELECT ROUND(
                                    RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM ??)
                                ) AS id) AS x
                            WHERE >= and username=? LIMIT 1;`,
              [,, user['username']]

          if (!randomResults.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I don't have any logs from this channel related to you :z`;

          const randomResult = utils.random(randomResults);

          const timeDifference = Math.abs( - Date.parse( / 1000;

          const result = new ModifyOutput(randomResult.message);

          return `${userSpecifiedChannel.replace(
          )} (${utils.humanizeDuration(timeDifference)} ago) ${
          }: ${result.trimmer()}`;

        if (!checkChannel.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, I'm not logging this channel, therefore I can't display data for this command :/`;
        } = `logs_${channel.replace('#', '')}`;

        let randomResults;

        if (whitelist.filter(i => i === {
          const max = await utils.query(
                        SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                        FROM ??
                        WHERE username=?`,
            [, user['username']]

          const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * max[0].count) + 1;

          randomResults = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM ??
                        WHERE username=? LIMIT 30 OFFSET ${rand}`,
            [, user['username']]
        } else {
          randomResults = await utils.query(
                        SELECT t.*
                        FROM ?? AS t
                        JOIN (
                            SELECT ROUND(
                                RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM ??)
                            ) AS id) AS x
                        WHERE >= and username=? LIMIT 1;`,
            [,, user['username']]

        if (!randomResults.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, I don't have any logs from this channel related to you :z`;

        const randomResult = utils.random(randomResults);

        const timeDifference = Math.abs( - Date.parse( / 1000;

        const result = new ModifyOutput(randomResult.message);

        return `(${utils.humanizeDuration(timeDifference)} ago) ${
        }:  ${result.trimmer()}`;

      // kb rl
      if (!msg[0]) {
        const maxID = await utils.query(
                    SELECT MAX(ID) AS number
                    FROM ??`,
          [`logs_${channel.replace('#', '')}`]

        // get random ID from the range of ID's in table
        const randNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxID[0].number - 1)) + 1;

        const randomLine = await utils.query(
					SELECT ID, username, message, date
					FROM ??
					WHERE ID=?`,
          [`logs_${channel.replace('#', '')}`, randNum]

        if (!randomLine.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, I don't have any logs from this channel :z`;

        const timeDifference = Math.abs( - Date.parse(randomLine[0].date)) / 1000;

        const result = new ModifyOutput(randomLine[0].message);

        return `(${utils.humanizeDuration(timeDifference)} ago) ${
        }:  ${result.trimmer()}`;

      if ((msg?.[0] ?? false) && msg[0] != '') {
        // check if user points to other channel
        let userSpecifiedChannel = msg.find(i => i.startsWith('#'));
        let userSpecifiedUsername = msg.find(i => i.startsWith('@'));

        // kb rl [#channel]
        if (
          typeof userSpecifiedChannel != 'undefined' &&
          typeof userSpecifiedUsername === 'undefined'
        ) {
          if (userSpecifiedChannel === '#supinic' || userSpecifiedChannel === '#haxk') {
            return `${user['username']}, specified channel is opted out from being a target of this command flag.`;

          // check if user exists in the table
          const checkIfLogging = await utils.query(
            [`logs_${userSpecifiedChannel.replace('#', '')}`]

          if (!checkIfLogging.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I'm not logging the channel you specified :/`;

          const maxID = await utils.query(`SELECT MAX(ID) AS number FROM ??`, [
            `logs_${userSpecifiedChannel.replace('#', '')}`,

          const randNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxID[0].number - 1)) + 1;

          const randomLine = await utils.query(
						SELECT ID, username, message, date
						FROM ?? WHERE ID=?`,
            [`logs_${userSpecifiedChannel.replace('#', '')}`, randNum]

          if (!randomLine.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I don't have any logs from this channel :z`;

          const timeDifference = Math.abs( - Date.parse(randomLine[0].date)) / 1000;

          const result = new ModifyOutput(randomLine[0].message);

          return `${userSpecifiedChannel.replace(
          )} (${utils.humanizeDuration(timeDifference)} ago) ${
          }: ${result.trimmer()}`;

        // kb rl [@user] [#channel]
        if (
          typeof userSpecifiedChannel != 'undefined' &&
          typeof userSpecifiedUsername != 'undefined'
        ) {
          if (userSpecifiedChannel.replace('#', '') === 'forsen') {
            return `${user['username']}, that channel is not available for this command.`;

          const checkIfOptedOut = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM optout
                        WHERE command=? AND username=?`,
            ['rl', userSpecifiedUsername.toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')]

          if (
            checkIfOptedOut.length &&
            user['username'] != userSpecifiedUsername.toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')
          ) {
            return `${user['username']}, that user has opted out from being a target of this command.`;

          if (userSpecifiedChannel === '#supinic' || userSpecifiedChannel === '#haxk') {
            return `${user['username']}, specified channel is opted out from being a target of this command flag.`;

          const checkIfLogging = await utils.query(
                        SHOW TABLES LIKE ?`,
            [`logs_${userSpecifiedChannel.replace('#', '')}`]

          if (!checkIfLogging.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I'm not logging the channel you specified :/`;

          const checkUser = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM user_list
                        WHERE username=?`,
            [userSpecifiedUsername.replace('@', '')]

          if (!checkUser.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, user ${userSpecifiedUsername.replace(
            )} was not found in the database.`;

          this.username = userSpecifiedUsername.replace('@', '');
 = `logs_${userSpecifiedChannel.replace('#', '')}`;

          let randomResults;

          if (whitelist.filter(i => i === {
            const max = await utils.query(
                            SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                            FROM ??
                            WHERE username=?`,
              [, this.username]

            const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * max[0].count) + 1;

            randomResults = await utils.query(
                            SELECT *
                            FROM ??
                            WHERE username=? LIMIT 30 OFFSET ${rand}`,
              [, this.username]
          } else {
            randomResults = await utils.query(
                            SELECT t.*
                            FROM ?? AS t
                            JOIN (
                                SELECT ROUND(
                                    RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM ??)
                                ) AS id) AS x
                            WHERE >= and username=? LIMIT 1;`,
              [,, this.username]

          if (!randomResults.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, there are no logs in my database from this channel related to that user.`;

          const randomResult = utils.random(randomResults);

          const timeDifference = Math.abs( - Date.parse( / 1000;

          const result = new ModifyOutput(randomResult.message);

          return `${userSpecifiedChannel.replace(
          )} (${utils.humanizeDuration(timeDifference)} ago) ${
          }: ${result.trimmer()}`;

        // kb rl [@user]
        const checkIfOptedOut = await utils.query(
                    SELECT *
                    FROM optout
                    WHERE command=? AND username=?`,
          ['rl', msg[0].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')]

        if (
          checkIfOptedOut.length &&
          user['username'] != msg[0].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')
        ) {
          return `${user['username']}, that user has opted out from being a target of this command.`;

        // check if user exists in the database
        const checkIfUserExists = await utils.query(
                    SELECT *
                    FROM user_list
                    WHERE username=?`,
          [msg[0].replace('@', '').replace(',', '')]

        if (!checkIfUserExists.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, this user does not exist in my user list logs.`;

        this.username = msg[0].replace('@', '').replace(',', ''); = `logs_${channel.replace('#', '')}`;

        let randomResults;

        if (whitelist.filter(i => i === {
          const max = await utils.query(
                        SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                        FROM ??
                        WHERE username=?`,
            [, this.username]

          const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * max[0].count) + 1;

          randomResults = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM ??
                        WHERE username=? LIMIT 30 OFFSET ${rand}`,
            [, this.username]
        } else {
          randomResults = await utils.query(
                        SELECT t.*
                        FROM ?? AS t
                        JOIN (
                            SELECT ROUND(
                                RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM ??)
                            ) AS id) AS x
                        WHERE >= and username=? LIMIT 1;`,
            [,, this.username]

        if (!randomResults.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, there are no logs in my database from this channel related to that user.`;

        const randomResult = utils.random(randomResults);

        const timeDifference = Math.abs( - Date.parse( / 1000;

        const result = new ModifyOutput(randomResult.message);

        return `(${utils.humanizeDuration(timeDifference)} ago) ${
        }:  ${result.trimmer()}`;
    } catch (err) {
      return ``;