Code for %{query} command

#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';

const utils = require('../utils/utils.js');
const kb = require('../handler.js').kb;
const creds = require('../credentials/config.js');
const shell = require('child_process');
const got = require('got');
const lastfm = require('./lastfm.js');

const talkedRecently = new Set();
const searchCache = [];

module.exports = {
  name: 'kb spotify',
  invocation: async (channel, user, message) => {
    try {
      // get correct param depending on if message is an alias
      const msg =
        message.split(' ')[1] === 'spotify'
          ? utils.getParam(message.toLowerCase())
          : utils.getParam(message.toLowerCase(), 1);

      const refresh = async (col, userRaw = user['user-id']) => {
        const username = userRaw.replace('@', '').replace(',', '');

        const refresh = await utils.query(
                    SELECT *
                    FROM access_token
                    WHERE platform="spotify" AND user=? OR username=?`,
          [username, username]

        if (col === 'access_token') {
          return refresh[0].access_token;
        if (col === 'refresh_token') {
          return refresh[0].refresh_token;

      const apiCall = async (link, userRaw, method = 'GET') => {
        if (userRaw && userRaw != user.username) {
          const username = userRaw.replace('@', '').replace(',', '');
          const checkIfRenewed = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM access_token
                        WHERE platform="spotify"
                            AND username=?
                            AND lastRenew < NOW() - interval 58 MINUTE`,

          if (checkIfRenewed.length) {
            try {
              const tokenSpotify = await got(
                `${await refresh(
                  method: 'POST',
                  headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

              const timestamp = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '); // convert to sql timestamp format

              await utils.query(
                                UPDATE access_token
                                SET access_token=?,
                                WHERE platform="spotify" AND username=?`,
                [tokenSpotify.access_token, tokenSpotify.scope, timestamp, username]

              const checkPremium = await got(``, {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: {
                  Authorization: `Bearer ${await refresh('access_token', username)}`,
                  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

              await utils.query(
                                UPDATE access_token
                                SET premium=?
                                WHERE platform="spotify" AND username=? AND user!="138403101"`,
                [checkPremium.product === 'open' ? 'N' : 'Y', username]
            } catch (err) {
              const error = JSON.parse(err.response.body);
              if (
                error.error === 'invalid_grant' &&
                error.error_description === 'Refresh token revoked'
              ) {
                await utils.query(
                                    DELETE FROM access_token
                                    WHERE platform="spotify" AND user=?`,
                return '';

          const data = await got(encodeURI(link), {
            method: method,
            headers: {
              Authorization: `Bearer ${await refresh('access_token', username)}`,
              'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

          if (!data) {
            return '';
          return data;
        const checkIfRenewed = await utils.query(
                    SELECT *
                    FROM access_token
                    WHERE platform="spotify"
                        AND user=?
                        AND lastRenew < NOW() - interval 58 MINUTE`,

        if (checkIfRenewed.length) {
          try {
            const tokenSpotify = await got(
              `${await refresh(
                method: 'POST',
                headers: {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

            const timestamp = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '); // convert to sql timestamp format

            await utils.query(
                            UPDATE access_token
                            SET access_token=?,
                            WHERE platform="spotify" AND user=?`,
              [tokenSpotify.access_token, tokenSpotify.scope, timestamp, user['user-id']]

            const checkPremium = await got(``, {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: {
                Authorization: `Bearer ${await refresh('access_token')}`,
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

            await utils.query(
                            UPDATE access_token
                            SET premium=?,
                            WHERE platform="spotify" AND user=? AND user!="138403101"`,
              [checkPremium.product === 'open' ? 'N' : 'Y', user.username, user['user-id']]
          } catch (err) {
            const error = JSON.parse(err.response.body);
            if (
              error.error === 'invalid_grant' &&
              error.error_description === 'Refresh token revoked'
            ) {
              await utils.query(
                                DELETE FROM access_token
                                WHERE platform="spotify" AND user=?`,

                `Your Spotify token has been revoked by Spotify, you will have to register for this command again to use it.`
              return '';

        const data = await got(encodeURI(link), {
          method: method,
          headers: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${await refresh('access_token')}`,
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

        if (!data) {
          return '';
        return data;

      const minutes = input => {
        const minutes = String(Math.floor(input / 1000 / 60));
        if (minutes.split('').length === 1) {
          return `0${minutes}`;
        return minutes;

      const seconds = input => {
        const seconds = String(Math.floor((input / 1000) % 60));
        if (seconds.split('').length === 1) {
          return `0${seconds}`;
        return seconds;

      const getFlag = flag => {
        const findPrefix = msg.find(i => i.toLowerCase().startsWith('-'));
        if (findPrefix) {
          return findPrefix.split('').find(i => i.toLowerCase() === flag);
        return false;

      if (msg[0]) {
        if (msg[0].startsWith('@')) {
          this.msg = msg[0].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '');

          if (this.msg === 'nymn2' && channel === '#nymn2') {
            if (talkedRecently.has('cooldown' + channel)) {
              return '';

            talkedRecently.add('cooldown' + channel);

            setTimeout(() => {
              talkedRecently.delete('cooldown' + channel);
            }, 8000);

          if (this.msg === 'mande' && channel === '#mande') {
            if (talkedRecently.has('cooldown' + channel)) {
              return '';

            talkedRecently.add('cooldown' + channel);

            setTimeout(() => {
              talkedRecently.delete('cooldown' + channel);
            }, 8000);

          if (this.msg === 'nymn' && channel === '#nymn') {
            if (talkedRecently.has('cooldown' + channel)) {
              return '';

            talkedRecently.add('cooldown' + channel);

            setTimeout(() => {
              talkedRecently.delete('cooldown' + channel);
            }, 8000);

          const checkIfOptedOut = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM optout
                        WHERE command=? AND username=?`,
            ['spotify', this.msg]

          if (checkIfOptedOut.length && user.username != this.msg) {
            return `${user.username}, that user has opted out from being a target of Spotify command.`;

          const findUser = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM user_list
                        WHERE username=?`,
            [msg[0].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')]

          if (!findUser.length) {
            return `${user.username}, this user does not exist.`;

          const isRegistered = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM access_token
                        WHERE platform="spotify" AND user=?`,

          if (!isRegistered.length) {
            if (message.split(' ')[1] === 'song') {
              return lastfm.invocation(channel, user, message, 'song');

            return `${user.username}, this user is not registered for this command.`;

          if (
            isRegistered[0].allowLookup === 'N' &&
            user.username != msg[0].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')
          ) {
            return `${user.username}, this user's settings do not allow for a song lookup, ask them to use kb spotify allow :)`;
          const song = await apiCall(

          if (!song) {
            return `${user.username}, there is no song playing on ${findUser[0].username}'s Spotify.`;

          const [artist, songTitle] = new utils.ModifyOutput([

          const response = `${
          }, current song playing on ${findUser[0].username.replace(
          )}'s Spotify:
                    ${songTitle} by ${artist}, ${song.is_playing ? '▶ ' : '⏸ '}
          )}:${seconds(song.item.duration_ms)}] `;

          try {
            const youtube = await
              `${} by ${song.item.artists[0].name}`

            if (!youtube) {
              throw { error: { code: 403 } };

            if (msg.filter(i => i === '-t').length) {
              return (
                response +
                `${}?t=${Math.round(song.progress_ms / 1000)}`

            return response + `${}`;
          } catch (err) {
            if (err.error?.code === 403) {
              return response + song.item.external_urls.spotify;

            if (msg[0]) {
              if (msg[0].startsWith('@')) {
                return `${user.username}, there is no song playing on ${findUser[0].username}'s Spotify.`;

      const userList = await utils.query(`
                SELECT *
                FROM access_token
                WHERE platform="spotify"`);

      const users = => i.user);

      const permittedUsers = users.filter(i => i === user['user-id']);

      if (!permittedUsers.length) {
        if (message.split(' ')[1] === 'song') {
          const _userList = await utils.query(`
                        SELECT *
                        FROM access_token
                        WHERE platform="lastfm"`);

          const _users = => i.user);

          const _permittedUsers = _users.filter(i => i === user['user-id']);

          if (!_permittedUsers.length) {
            return `${user.username}, To get access to this command, follow the login process on`;
        } else {
          return `${user.username}, To get access to this command, follow the login process on`;

      const premUsers = userList.filter(i => i.premium === 'Y').map(i => i.user);
      const premiumUsers = premUsers.filter(i => i === user['user-id']);

      const song = await apiCall(

      if (msg[0] === 'play' || msg[0] === 'queue' || msg[0] === 'p' || msg[0] === 'q') {
        try {
          if (!msg[1]) {
            return `${user.username}, you did not provide anything to search for FeelsDankMan`;

          if (!premiumUsers.length) {
            return `${user.username}, only Spotify premium users can use this parameter :(`;

          const search = await apiCall(
            `${msg.splice(1).join(' ')}&type=track`,

          if (!search.tracks.items.length) {
            return `${user.username}, no tracks were found with given query.`;

          let [playing, artist] = new utils.ModifyOutput([

          // kb queue [song]
          if (msg[0] === 'q' || msg[0] === 'queue') {
            await apiCall(

            return `${user.username}, ${playing} by ${artist} has been added to your playback queue.`;

          const _user = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM access_token
                        WHERE username=?`,

          // kb play [song]
            `curl -s -X "PUT" ""` +
              ` --data "{\\"uris\\":[\\"${search.tracks.items[0].uri}\\"],\\"position_ms\\":0}"` +
              ` -H "Accept: application/json"` +
              ` -H "Content-Type: application/json"` +
              ` -H "Authorization: Bearer ${_user[0].access_token}"`

          return `${user.username}, now playing: ${playing} by ${artist} on your Spotify.`;
        } catch (err) {
          return `${user.username}, no active devices were found. You should have your spotify running while using this command.`;

      if (msg[0] === 'top') {
        const assignNumbers = data => {
          let _data = [];

          for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            _data.push(`(${i + 1}) ${data[i]}`);

          return _data;

        const timeRange = msg.find(i => i.match(/\bshort\b|\bmedium\b|\blong\b/i)) ?? 'long';

        const findUser = msg.find(i => i.startsWith('@'));

        if (findUser) {
          const _user = findUser.toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '');

          const checkIfOptedOut = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM optout
                        WHERE command=? AND username=?`,
            ['spotify', _user]

          if (checkIfOptedOut.length && user.username != _user) {
            return `${user.username}, that user has opted out from being a target of Spotify command.`;

          const checkIfUserRegistered = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM access_token
                        WHERE username=?`,

          if (!checkIfUserRegistered.length) {
            if (message.split(' ')[1] === 'song') {
              return lastfm.invocation(channel, user, message, 'song');

            return `${user.username}, specified user is not registered for this command`;

          if (checkIfUserRegistered[0].allowLookup === 'N') {
            return `${user.username}, specified user does not allow for data lookup. They can enable it by typing "kb spotify allow"`;

          // kb spotify top artists @user
          if (msg.find(i => i.match(/\bartist[s]?\b/i))) {
            let topArtistData = await apiCall(

            topArtistData = topArtistData.items.slice(0, 5).map(i =>;

            const artists = new utils.ModifyOutput(topArtistData, 23).trimmer();

            return `${user.username}, that user's ${timeRange} term most listened to
                        Spotify artists are: ${assignNumbers(artists).join(', ')}`;

          // kb spotify top @user
          let topTracksData = await apiCall(

          const songs = assignNumbers(
            new utils.ModifyOutput(topTracksData.items.slice(0, 4).map(i =>

          const artists = new utils.ModifyOutput(
            topTracksData.items.slice(0, 4).map(i => i.artists[0].name)

          let result = [];

          for (let i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
            result.push(`${songs[i]} by ${artists[i]}`);

          return `${
          }, that user's ${timeRange} term most listened to Spotify songs are: ${result.join(
            ', '

        // kb spotify top artists
        if (msg.find(i => i.match(/\bartist[s]?\b/i))) {
          let topArtistData = await apiCall(

          topArtistData = topArtistData.items.slice(0, 5).map(i =>;

          const artists = new utils.ModifyOutput(topArtistData, 23).trimmer();

          return `${
          }, your ${timeRange} term most listened to Spotify artists are: ${assignNumbers(
          ).join(', ')}`;

        // kb spotify top
        const topTracksData = await apiCall(

        const songs = assignNumbers(
          new utils.ModifyOutput(topTracksData.items.slice(0, 4).map(i =>

        const artists = new utils.ModifyOutput(
          topTracksData.items.slice(0, 4).map(i => i.artists[0].name)

        let result = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
          result.push(`${songs[i]} by ${artists[i]}`);

        return `${
        }, your ${timeRange} term most listened to Spotify songs are: ${result.join(', ')}`;

      if (msg[0] === 'search') {
        if (!msg[1]) {
          return `${user.username}, you have to provide a query to search with or a track/artist, refer to`;

        let response,
          type = 'track';

        if (getFlag('a') && getFlag('t')) {
          return `${user.username}, only one of the flags can be used at a time.`;

        if (getFlag('a')) {
          type = 'artist';

        if (msg[0] === 'search') {
          query = msg
            .filter(i => i != '-a' && i != '-t')
            .join(' ');
        } else {
          query = msg.filter(i => i != '-a' && i != '-t').join(' ');

        const search = await apiCall(

        if (type === 'track') {
          if (!search?.tracks ?? false) {
            return `${user.username}, no ${type}s were found.`;

          if (!search.tracks.items.length) {
            return `${user.username}, no ${type}s were found.`;

          const [track, artist, album] = new utils.ModifyOutput([

          const trackId = Math.trunc(Math.random() * 9999);

            id: trackId,
            uri: search.tracks.items[0].uri,
            user: user.username,
            track: track,
            artist: artist,

          if ( > 1) {
            type = 'songs';

          const result = `${user.username}, found ${} ${type},
                    closest matching one is ${track} by ${artist} from album ${album} `;

          try {
            const youtube = await`${track} by ${artist}`);

            if (!youtube) {
              throw { error: { code: 403 } };

            return (
              result +
                        - you can play it on your spotify by using kb yoink ${trackId}`
          } catch (err) {
            if (err.error?.code === 403) {
              return (
                result +
                search.tracks.items[0].external_urls.spotify +
                ` - you can play it on your spotify by using kb yoink ${trackId}`

        if (type === 'artist') {
          if (!search?.artists ?? false) {
            return `${user.username}, no ${type}s were found.`;

          if (!search.artists.items.length) {
            return `${user.username}, no ${type}s were found.`;

          const [artist] = new utils.ModifyOutput([search.artists.items[0].name]).trimmer();

          if ( > 1) {
            type = 'artists';

          return `${user.username}, found ${} ${type},
                    closest matching is ${artist} with ${search.artists.items[0]} followers

      if (msg[0] === 'yoink') {
        if (!msg[1]) {
          return `${user.username}, you did not provide a user to search for FeelsDankMan`;

        if (!premiumUsers.length) {
          return `${user.username}, only Spotify premium users can use this parameter :(`;

        const checkCache = searchCache.find(i => === msg[1]);

        if (checkCache) {
          try {
            let playback = 'is now playing on your device';

            if (getFlag('q')) {
              await apiCall(

              playback = 'has been added to your playback queue';
            } else {
              const _token = await utils.query(
                                SELECT *
                                FROM access_token
                                WHERE username=?`,

                `curl -s -X "PUT" ""` +
                  ` --data "{\\"uris\\":[\\"${checkCache.uri}\\"],\\"position_ms\\":0}"` +
                  ` -H "Accept: application/json"` +
                  ` -H "Content-Type: application/json"` +
                  ` -H "Authorization: Bearer ${_token[0].access_token}"`

            const [playing, artist] = new utils.ModifyOutput([

            return `${user.username}, (request #${}) ${playing} by ${artist} from ${checkCache.user}'s search query
                        ${playback} PermaSmug 🎶`;
          } catch (err) {
            return `${user.username}, your spotify needs to be playing to execute this command FeelsDankMan`;

        const username = msg[1].replace(/@|,/g, '');

        if (username === user.username) {
          return `${user.username}, why are you trying to yoink your own song FeelsDankMan`;

        try {
          const _user = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM access_token
                        WHERE username=?`,

          if (!_user.length) {
            return `${user.username}, provided user is not registered for this command.`;

          if (_user[0].allowLookup === 'N') {
            return `${user.username}, provided user does not consent for data lookup. They can use " kb spotify allow " to allow it. `;

          const yoinkedSong = await apiCall(

          await apiCall(

          if (!yoinkedSong) {
            return `${user.username}, there is no song playing on ${username}'s Spotify.`;

          let position = 0;
          let timestampMessage = '';
          let playback = 'is now playing on your device';

          if (getFlag('t')) {
            position = yoinkedSong.progress_ms;

            timestampMessage = ` at timestamp [${minutes(yoinkedSong.progress_ms)}:${seconds(

          if (getFlag('q')) {
            await apiCall(

            playback = 'has been added to your playback queue';
          } else {
            const _token = await utils.query(
                            SELECT *
                            FROM access_token
                            WHERE username=?`,

              `curl -s -X "PUT" ""` +
                ` --data "{\\"uris\\":[\\"${yoinkedSong.item.uri}\\"],\\"position_ms\\":${position}}"` +
                ` -H "Accept: application/json"` +
                ` -H "Content-Type: application/json"` +
                ` -H "Authorization: Bearer ${_token[0].access_token}"`

          const [playing, artist] = new utils.ModifyOutput([

          return `${user.username}, ${playing} by ${artist} from ${username.replace(
                    Spotify ${playback}${timestampMessage} TriHard 🎶`;
        } catch (err) {
          if (msg[0]) {
            if (msg[0].startsWith('@')) {
              return `${user.username}, there is no song playing on ${username}'s Spotify.`;
          return `${user.username}, your spotify needs to be playing to execute this command FeelsDankMan`;

      if (message.split(' ')[2] === 'unregister') {
        const checkIfUserRegistered = await utils.query(
                    SELECT *
                    FROM access_token
                    WHERE platform="spotify" AND user=?`,

        if (!checkIfUserRegistered.length) {
          return `${user.username}, you are not registered for this command.`;

        await utils.query(
                    DELETE FROM access_token
                    WHERE user=? AND platform="spotify"`,

        return `${user.username}, you have been successfully unregistered from Spotify command.`;

      if (msg[0] === 'start') {
        if (!premiumUsers.length) {
          return `${user.username}, only Spotify premium users can use this parameter :(`;

        await apiCall('', user.username, 'PUT');

        if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
          kb.whisper(user.username, 'Current song has been resumed.');
          return '';
        return `${user.username}, current song has been resumed.`;

      if (msg[0] === 'pause' || msg[0] === 'stop') {
        if (!premiumUsers.length) {
          return `${user.username}, only Spotify premium users can use this parameter :(`;
        if (!song?.item) {
          return `${user.username}, no song is currently playing on your spotify FeelsDankMan`;

        await apiCall('', user.username, 'PUT');

        if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
          kb.whisper(user.username, 'Current song has been stopped.');
          return '';
        return `${user.username}, current song has been stopped.`;

      if (msg[0] === 'volume' || msg[0] === 'vol') {
        if (!premiumUsers.length) {
          return `${user.username}, only Spotify premium users can use this parameter :(`;

        const playback = await apiCall('', user.username);

        if (!msg[1]) {
          if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
              `Current volume on your spotify is ${playback.device.volume_percent}%.`
            return '';
          return `${user.username}, Current volume on your spotify is ${playback.device.volume_percent}%.`;

        this.msg = msg[1].replace('%', '');

        if (!utils.hasNumber(this.msg)) {
          return `${user.username}, only numbers within range of 0-100 are accepted.`;

        if (this.msg > 100 || this.msg < 0) {
          return `${user.username}, only numbers within range of 0-100 are accepted.`;

        await apiCall(

        if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
            `Volume on your spotify has been changed from ${playback.device.volume_percent}% to ${this.msg}%.`
          return '';
        return `${user.username}, volume on your spotify has been changed from ${playback.device.volume_percent}% to ${this.msg}%.`;

      if (msg[0] === 'skip') {
        if (!premiumUsers.length) {
          return `${user.username}, only Spotify premium users can use this parameter :(`;
        if (!song?.item) {
          return `${user.username}, no song is currently playing on your spotify FeelsDankMan`;

        await apiCall('', user.username, 'POST');

        if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
          kb.whisper(user.username, 'Current song has been successfully skipped.');
          return '';
        return `${user.username}, current song has been successfully skipped.`;

      if (msg[0] === 'shuffle' || msg[0] === 'random') {
        if (!premiumUsers.length) {
          return `${user.username}, only Spotify premium users can use this parameter :(`;

        if (msg[1] === 'true' || msg[1] === 'on') {
          await apiCall(

          if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
            kb.whisper(user.username, 'Your playback mode is now set to shuffle.');
            return '';
          return `${user.username}, your playback mode is now set to shuffle.`;

        if (msg[1] === 'false' || msg[1] === 'off') {
          await apiCall(

          if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
            kb.whisper(user.username, 'Your playback is not shuffled anymore.');
            return '';
          return `${user.username}, your playback is not shuffled anymore.`;
        return `${user.username}, only parameters true/false (or on/off) are valid for trigger "shuffle"`;

      if (msg[0] === 'repeat') {
        if (!premiumUsers.length) {
          return `${user.username}, only Spotify premium users can use this parameter :(`;

        if (msg[1] === 'track') {
          await apiCall(

          if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
              'Repeat mode on your spotify is now set to repeat current track.'
            return '';
          return `${user.username}, repeat mode on your spotify is now set to repeat current track.`;

        if (msg[1] === 'context') {
          await apiCall(

          if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
              'Repeat mode on your spotify is now set to repeat current context.'
            return '';
          return `${user.username}, repeat mode on your spotify is now set to repeat current context.`;

        if (msg[1] === 'off' || msg[1] === 'false') {
          await apiCall(

          if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
            kb.whisper(user.username, 'Repeat mode on your Spotify is now turned off.');
            return '';
          return `${user.username}, repeat mode on your Spotify is now turned off.`;

        return `${user.username}, only parameters track/context/off are valid for trigger "repeat".`;

      if (msg[0] === 'allow') {
        await utils.query(
                    UPDATE access_token
                    SET allowLookup="Y"
                    WHERE platform="spotify" AND user=?`,

        return `${user.username}, you allowed other registered users to lookup your playing songs.`;

      if (msg[0] === 'disallow') {
        await utils.query(
                    UPDATE access_token
                    SET allowLookup="N"
                    WHERE platform="spotify" AND user=?`,

        return `${user.username}, other users won't be able to view your currently playing song anymore.`;

      if (!song?.item ?? true) {
        if (message.split(' ')[1] === 'song') {
          return lastfm.invocation(channel, user, message, 'song');

        return `${user.username}, no song is currently playing on your spotify FeelsDankMan`;

      const [artist, songTitle] = new utils.ModifyOutput([

      const response =
        `Current song playing on ${user.username}'s Spotify: ${songTitle} by ${artist}, ${
          song.is_playing ? '▶ ' : '⏸ '
        }` +
        )}:${seconds(song.item.duration_ms)}] `;

      try {
        const youtube = await
          `${} by ${song.item.artists[0].name}`

        if (!youtube) {
          throw { error: { code: 403 } };

        if (msg.filter(i => i === '-t').length) {
          return (
            response +
            `${}?t=${Math.round(song.progress_ms / 1000)}`

        return response + `${}`;
      } catch (err) {
        if (err.error?.code === 403) {
          return response + song.item.external_urls.spotify;

        if (message.split(' ')[1] === 'song') {
          return lastfm.invocation(channel, user, message, 'song');

        return `${user.username}, no song is currently playing on your spotify FeelsDankMan`;
    } catch (err) {
      if (err.response?.statusCode) {
        return `${user.username}, ${utils.status(err.response.statusCode)} FeelsDankMan`;

      if (message.split(' ')[1] === 'song') {
        return lastfm.invocation(channel, user, message, 'song');

      return `${user.username}, no song is currently playing on your spotify FeelsDankMan`;