Code for %{query} command

#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';

const utils = require('../utils/utils.js');
const kb = require('../handler.js').kb;
const mysql = require('mysql2');

// allow only one execution at the same time (globally)
const stallTheCommand = new Set();

module.exports = {
  stall: stallTheCommand,
  name: 'kb stats',
  invocation: async (channel, user, message, platform) => {
    try {
      if (stallTheCommand.has('busy')) {
        return '';
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 60000);

      const msg = utils.getParam(
          .replace(/[^-?]\bcolor\b/, ' stats -color')
          .replace(/[^-?]\bcolour\b/, ' stats -color')

      // check for internal banphrases
      const getInternalBans = await utils.query(`SELECT * FROM internal_banphrases`);

      const checkIfBanned = getInternalBans.filter(i => msg.join(' ').includes(i.banphrase));

      if (checkIfBanned.length && utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
        return `${user['username']}, I cannot search with this query,
                it contains an internally banned phrase.`;
      } = channel.replace('#', '');

      const checkChannel = await utils.query('SHOW TABLES LIKE ?', [`logs_${}`]);

      if (!checkChannel.length) {
        return `${user['username']}, I'm not logging this channel,
                therefore I can't display stats for it :/`;

      /* kb stats */
      const stats = async () => {
        if (channel === '#forsen' || channel === '#vadikus007') {
            'this syntax is disabled in this channel due to overload, it might come back at some point when its fixed. You can still use: kb stats -bruh, kb stats -channel, kb stats -lines etc.'
          return '';

        // all lines in the channel
        const occurence = await utils.query(
                    SELECT MAX(ID) as value
                    FROM ??`,

        // channel lines occurence
        const val = await utils.query(
                    SELECT message, COUNT(message) AS value_occurance
                    FROM ??
                    WHERE username=? AND (
                        message NOT LIKE "?%"
                        AND message NOT LIKE "+%"
                        AND message NOT LIKE "kb%"
                        AND message NOT LIKE "$%"
                        AND message NOT LIKE "!%"
                        AND message NOT LIKE "&%"
                        AND message NOT LIKE "-%"
                    GROUP BY message
                    ORDER BY value_occurance
                    LIMIT 1;`,
          [`logs_${}`, user['username']]

        if (!val.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, no results were found`;

        // manage the output message lengths
        const modifyOutput = async modify => {
          if (channel === '#nymn' || channel === '#vadikus007') {
            return `${user['username']}, your most frequently typed message: "
                        ${val[0].message.substr(0, modify)} " (${
            } times)`;

          const values = await utils.query(
                        SELECT COUNT(username) as value
                        FROM ??
                        WHERE username=?`,
            [`logs_${}`, user['username']]

          if (Number(val[0].value_occurance) <= 3) {
            return `${user['username']}, you have total of ${values[0].value} lines logged,
                        that's ${((values[0].value / occurence[0].value) * 100).toFixed(2)}%
                        of all lines in this channel.`;

          return `${user['username']}, you have total of ${values[0].value} lines logged,
                    that's ${((values[0].value / occurence[0].value) * 100).toFixed(2)}%
                    of all lines in this channel, your most frequently typed message: "
                    ${val[0].message.substr(0, modify)} " (${val[0].value_occurance} times)`;

        if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
          return modifyOutput(100);
        return modifyOutput(250);

      /* kb stats @[user] [message] */
      const statsUser = async () => {
        if (channel === '#forsen' || channel === '#vadikus007') {
            'this syntax is disabled in this channel due to overload, it might come back at some point when its fixed. You can still use: kb stats -bruh, kb stats -channel, kb stats -lines etc.'
          return '';
        // check if user exists in the database
        const checkIfUserExists = await utils.query(
                    SELECT * FROM user_list
                    WHERE username=?`,
              .filter(i => i.startsWith('@'))[0]
              .replace('@', '')
              .replace(',', ''),

        if (!checkIfUserExists.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, this user does not exist in my user list logs.`;

        // check if user provided a user in flag
        if (
            .filter(i => i.startsWith('@'))[0]
            .replace('@', '')
            .replace(',', '').length
        ) {
          return `${user['username']}, wrong flag syntax, no user after "@" provided`;

        // check if user provided enough characters
        if (msg.filter(i => !i.startsWith('@')).join(' ').length < 3) {
          if (!msg.filter(i => !i.startsWith('@')).join(' ').length) {
            return `${user['username']}, you did not provide any phrase.
                        (usage example: kb stats @kunszg hello)`;
          return `${user['username']}, provided word has not enough characters to run a query.`;

        if (channel != '#nymn') {
          // get the message
          const sql = `
                        SELECT t.*
                        FROM logs_${} AS t
                        INNER JOIN
                            (SELECT ROUND(
                               RAND() * (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM logs_${} )) AS id
                             ) AS x
                   >= AND username=? AND message LIKE ?
                        LIMIT 1`;
          const select = [
            msg.filter(i => i.startsWith('@'))[0].replace('@', ''),
            '%' + msg.filter(i => !i.startsWith('@')).join(' ') + '%',

          // get the occurence
          const sql2 = `
                        SELECT username, message, COUNT(*) AS value
                        FROM logs_${}
                        WHERE username=? AND message LIKE ?`;
          const select2 = [
            msg.filter(i => i.startsWith('@'))[0].replace('@', ''),
            '%' + msg.filter(i => !i.startsWith('@')).join(' ') + '%',

          const response = await Promise.all([
            utils.doQuery(mysql.format(sql, select)),
            utils.doQuery(mysql.format(sql2, select2)),

          // check if there are any logs for specified user
          if (!response[0].length || !Number(response[0].value)) {
            return `${user['username']}, no message logs found for that query
                        or related to that user.`;

          // limit message length
          const modifyOutput = modify => {
            return `${user['username']}, messages similar to
                        " ${response[0][0].message.substr(0, modify)} " have been typed
                         ${response[1][0].value} times in this channel by user
                         ${response[0][0].username.replace(/^(.{2})/, '$1\u{E0000}')}.`;

          // for channels marked as strict
          if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
            return modifyOutput(50);
          return modifyOutput(250);
        } else {
          const rows = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM ??
                        WHERE username = ? AND message LIKE ?`,
              msg.filter(i => i.startsWith('@'))[0].replace('@', ''),
              '%' + msg.filter(i => !i.startsWith('@')).join(' ') + '%',

          if (!rows.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, no message logs found for that query
                        or related to that user.`;

          const randomRow = utils.random(rows);

          const modifyOutput = modify => {
            return `${user['username']}, messages similar to
                        " ${randomRow.message.substr(0, modify)} " have been typed
                         ${rows.length} times in this channel by user
                         ${randomRow.username.replace(/^(.{2})/, '$1\u{E0000}')}.`;

          // for channels marked as strict
          if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
            return modifyOutput(80);
          return modifyOutput(250);

      /* kb stats [message] */
      const statsMessage = async () => {
        if (channel === '#forsen') {
            'this syntax is disabled in this channel due to overload, you can still use: kb stats -bruh, kb stats -channel, kb stats -lines etc.'
          return '';
        if (!msg) {
          kb.whisper('kunszg', message);
          return `${user['username']}, internal error has occured monkaS @kunszg [#err_statsMessage]`;

        // check if query has enough characters
        if (msg.join(' ').length < 5) {
          return `${user['username']}, provided word has not enough characters to run a query.`;

        // positional query
        const sql = `
                    SELECT t.message
                    FROM logs_${} AS t
                    INNER JOIN
                        (SELECT ROUND(
                           RAND() *
                          (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM logs_${} )) AS id
                         ) AS x
               >= AND MATCH(message) AGAINST (?)
                    ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1
        const inserts = [`'"*${msg.join(' ')}*"'`];

        const sql2 = `
                    SELECT count(*) AS value_occurance
                    FROM logs_${}
                    WHERE MATCH(message) AGAINST (?);
        const inserts2 = [`'"*${msg.join(' ')}*"'`];

        const occurence = await Promise.all([
          utils.doQuery(mysql.format(sql, inserts)),
          utils.doQuery(mysql.format(sql2, inserts2)),

        // check if there are any message logs for given query
        if (!occurence[0].length) {
          return `${user['username']}, no message logs found for that query`;

        function modifyOutput(modify) {
          return `${user['username']}, messages similar to
                    " ${occurence[0][0].message.substr(0, modify)} " have been typed
                    ${occurence[1][0].value_occurance} times in this channel.`;

        if (utils.strictChannels(channel)) {
          return modifyOutput(75);
        return modifyOutput(250);

      /* kb stats -channel */
      const statsChannel = async () => {
        if (msg[1]) {
          const checkChannels = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM channels_logger
                        WHERE channel=?`,
            [msg[1].replace('#', '')]

          if (!checkChannels.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I don't have any logs from that channel :P`;

          const channelData = await Promise.all([
            // amount of rows
                            SELECT MAX(ID) AS value
                            FROM ??`,
              [`logs_${msg[1].replace('#', '')}`]

            // table size
                            SELECT TABLE_NAME
                                AS ` +
                '`' +
                'Table' +
                '`' +
                `, (DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH) / 1024 / 1024
                                AS size FROM information_schema.TABLES
                            WHERE TABLE_NAME = ?
                            ORDER BY (DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH)
              [`logs_${msg[1].replace('#', '')}`]

            // create time
                            SELECT date AS create_time
                            FROM ??
                            LIMIT 1
                            OFFSET 0`,
              [`logs_${msg[1].replace('#', '')}`]
          // date formatting
          const logsDate = new Date(channelData[2][0].create_time);
          const date = Math.abs(new Date() - logsDate) / 1000;

          return `${user['username']}, channel ${msg[1]
            .replace('#', '')
            .replace(/^(.{2})/, '$1\u{E0000}')}
                    has ${channelData[0][0].value} lines logged, which is ${Number(
          ).toFixed(0)} MB total.
                    Logs in that channel started ${utils.humanizeDuration(date)} ago.`;

        const channelData = await Promise.all([
          // amount of rows
                        SELECT MAX(ID) AS value
                        FROM ??`,

          // table size
                        SELECT TABLE_NAME
                            AS ` +
              '`' +
              'Table' +
              '`' +
              `, (DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH) / 1024 / 1024
                            AS size FROM information_schema.TABLES
                        WHERE TABLE_NAME = ?
                        ORDER BY (DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH)

          // create time
                        SELECT date AS create_time
                        FROM ??
                        LIMIT 1
                        OFFSET 0`,
        // date formatting
        const logsDate = new Date(channelData[2][0].create_time);
        const date = Math.abs(new Date() - logsDate) / 1000;

        return `${user['username']}, this channel has ${channelData[0][0].value}
                lines logged, which is ${Number(channelData[1][0].size).toFixed(0)} MB total.
                Logs in this channel started ${utils.humanizeDuration(date)} ago.`;

      /* kb stats -bruh */
      const statsBruh = async () => {
        if (channel === '#vadikus007') {
          return `${user['username']}, this command flag is no longer available in this channel :(`;

        const countResults = await utils.query(
                    SELECT *
                    FROM bruh
                    WHERE channel=?`,
          [channel.replace('#', '')]

        // kb stats -bruh
        if (!msg[1]) {
          if (channel === '#haxk') {
            // results for sender
            const countResultsUser = countResults.filter(i => i.username === user['username']);

            if (countResultsUser.length < 2 && countResultsUser.length != 1) {
              return `${user['username']}, you have spelled it ${countResultsUser.length} times,
                            we coo TriHard - total of ${countResults.length} n bombs in this channel and
                            TriChomp TeaTime`;

            return `${user['username']}, you have spelled it ${countResultsUser.length}
                        times TriChomp Clap - total of ${countResults.length} n bombs in this channel
                        TriChomp TeaTime`;

          if (channel === '#nymn') {
            return `${user['username']}, total of ${countResults.length} heated gaming moments
                        in this channel cmonBruh`;

          if (channel === '#forsen') {
            return `${user['username']}, total of ${countResults.length} unpleasant people
                        in this channel Aware`;

          if (!countResults.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, no heated gaming moments detected in this channel, we coo RlyTho Clap`;

          return `${user['username']}, total of ${countResults.length} heated gaming moments
                    in this channel cmonBruh`;

        if (msg.includes('#all')) {
          const countAllResults = await utils.query(`
                        SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                        FROM bruh`);

          const channelCount = await utils.query(`
                        SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                        FROM channels_logger`);

          const rowsToday = await utils.query(`
                        SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
                        FROM bruh
                        WHERE DATE(date) = CURDATE()`);

          return `${user['username']}, there is ${countAllResults[0].count} (+${rowsToday[0].count} today) bad words registered so
                    far over all (${channelCount[0].count}) logged channels.`;

        if (msg[1].toLowerCase() === 'apollo' && channel === '#nymn') {
          const getCount = await utils.query(`
                        SELECT *
                        FROM stats
                        WHERE type="counter"`);

          await utils.query(
                        UPDATE stats
                        SET count=?
                        WHERE sha="apollo"`,
            [Number(getCount[0].count) + Number((Math.random() * 10).toFixed(0))]

          return `${user['username']}, Apollo has said it ${getCount[0].count} times TriSad`;

        // kb stats -bruh [#channel]
        const channelParse = msg.find(i => i.startsWith('#'));
        if (typeof channelParse != 'undefined') {
          const checkChannel = await utils.query(`SHOW TABLES LIKE ?`, [
            `logs_${channelParse.replace('#', '')}`,

          if (!checkChannel.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, I'm not logging this channel,
                        therefore I can't display stats for it :/`;

          const channelData = await utils.query(
                        SELECT COUNT(*) As bruh
                        FROM bruh
                        WHERE channel=?`,
            [channelParse.replace('#', '').toLowerCase()]

          const channelList = ['#supinic', '#kunszg', '#haxk', '#okabar', '#teodorv'];

          if (
            channelList.includes(channelParse.toLowerCase()) &&
            channel != channelParse.toLowerCase()
          ) {
            return `${user['username']}, specified channel is opted out from being a target of this command.`;

          return `${user['username']}, this channel has total of ${channelData[0].bruh} bruh moments recorded 😩`;

        // kb stats -bruh [user]

        this.msg = msg[1].toLowerCase().replace('@', '').replace(',', '');

        // check if user exists in the database
        const checkIfUserExists = await utils.query(
                    SELECT *
                    FROM user_list
                    WHERE username=?`,

        // check if channel exists in user_list logs
        if (!checkIfUserExists.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, that user does not exist in my user list logs.`;

        if (this.msg.toLowerCase() === 'teodorv' || this.msg.toLowerCase() === 'phzeera') {
          return `${user['username']}, that user has opted out from this command.`;

        // replace second character in user's name with an invisible character to prevent the ping
        const userNoPing = this.msg.replace(/^(.{2})/, '$1\u{E0000}');

        const countResultsUser = countResults.filter(i => i.username === this.msg);

        if (channel === '#haxk') {
          if (countResultsUser.length < 2 && countResultsUser.length != 1) {
            return `${user['username']}, user ${userNoPing} has a clean record RlyTho Clap`;
          return `${user['username']}, user ${userNoPing} has spelled it ${countResultsUser.length}
                    times TriChomp Clap`;

        if (channel === '#forsen') {
          if (!countResultsUser.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, user ${userNoPing} has a clean record RlyTho Clap`;

          return `${user['username']}, total of ${countResultsUser.length} unpleasant activities
                    by user ${userNoPing} in this channel Aware`;

        if (!countResultsUser.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, user ${userNoPing} has a clean record RlyTho Clap`;
        return `${user['username']}, total of ${countResultsUser.length} racist activities
                by user ${userNoPing} in this channel cmonBruh`;

      /* kb stats -lines */
      const statsLines = async () => {
        // check if user is provided
        const username = msg.filter(i => i.startsWith('@'))[0];
        // kb stats -lines @[user]
        if (username) {
          // check if channel is provided
          const channelName = msg.filter(i => i.startsWith('#'))[0];
          // kb stats -lines #[channel] @[username]
          if (channelName === '#forsen') {
            return `${user.username}, can't search this channel for logs/stats because it lags the bot FeelsDankMan`;
          if (channelName) {
            // check if channel exists in logs
            const checkChannel = await utils.query(`SHOW TABLES LIKE ?`, [
              `logs_${channelName.replace('#', '')}`,

            if (!checkChannel.length) {
              return `${user['username']}, I'm not logging this channel,
                            therefore I can't display stats for it :/`;

            // check if user exists in user_list logs
            const checkIfUserExists = await utils.query(
                            SELECT *
                            FROM user_list
                            WHERE username=?`,
              [username.replace('@', '').replace(',', '')]

            if (!checkIfUserExists.length) {
              return `${user['username']}, that user does not exist in my user list logs.`;

            const userLines = await utils.query(
                            SELECT COUNT(username) as value
                            FROM ??
                            WHERE username=?`,
                `logs_${channelName.replace('#', '')}`,
                username.replace('@', '').replace(',', ''),

            const occurence = await utils.query(
                            SELECT MAX(ID) as value
                            FROM ??`,
              [`logs_${channelName.replace('#', '')}`]

            return `${user['username']}, this user has total of ${
            } lines logged
                        in channel ${channelName
                          .replace('#', '')
                          .replace(/^(.{2})/, '$1\u{E0000}')},
                        that's ${((userLines[0].value / occurence[0].value) * 100).toFixed(2)}%
                        of all lines in that channel.`;
          if ( === '#forsen') {
            return `${user.username}, can't search this channel for logs/stats because it lags the bot FeelsDankMan`;

          const checkIfUserExists = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM user_list
                        WHERE username=?`,
            [username.replace('@', '').replace(',', '')]

          // check if channel exists in user_list logs
          if (!checkIfUserExists.length) {
            return `${user['username']}, that user does not exist in my user list logs.`;

          const userLines = await utils.query(
                        SELECT COUNT(username) as value
                        FROM ??
                        WHERE username=?`,
            [`logs_${}`, username.replace('@', '').replace(',', '')]

          const occurence = await utils.query(
                        SELECT MAX(ID) as value
                        FROM ??`,

          return `${user['username']}, this user has total of ${
          } lines logged,
                    that's ${((userLines[0].value / occurence[0].value) * 100).toFixed(2)}%
                    of all lines in this channel.`;

        if ( === '#forsen') {
          return `${user.username}, can't search this channel for logs/stats because it lags the bot FeelsDankMan`;

        const values = await utils.query(
                    SELECT COUNT(username) as value
                    FROM ??
                    WHERE username=?`,
          [`logs_${}`, user['username']]

        const occurence = await utils.query(
                    SELECT MAX(ID) as value
                    FROM ??`,

        return `${user['username']}, you have total of ${values[0].value} lines logged,
                that's ${((values[0].value / occurence[0].value) * 100).toFixed(2)}%
                of all lines in this channel.`;

      const statsColor = async () => {
        const got = require(`got`);
        if (msg.find(i => i.match(/^(-)?(\bgen\b|\bgenerate\b|\brand\b|\brandom\b)/g))) {
          const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16);

          return `${user['username']}, random color in hex: #${randomColor}`;

        if (!msg[1]) {
          if (user['color'] === null) {
            const usersData = await utils.query(`
                            SELECT COUNT(*) AS users
                            FROM user_list
                            WHERE color="gray"`);

            return `${user['username']}, you don't have any color set (gray on chatterino),
                        ${usersData[0].users - 1} users didn't set their colors either :o`;

          const usersData = await utils.query(
                        SELECT COUNT(*) AS users
                        FROM user_list
                        WHERE color=?`,

          const color = await got(
            `${user['color'].replace('#', '')}`

          if (Number(usersData[0].users) === 0 || Number(usersData[0].users) === 1) {
            await utils.query(
                            UPDATE user_list
                            SET color=?
                            WHERE username=?`,
              [user['color'], user['username']]
            return `${user['username']}, you are the only one with color ${} ${user['color']} in my database KomodoHype !`;
          return `${user['username']}, you share your color (${} ${
          }) with ${usersData[0].users - 1}
                    other users logged in my database B)`;

        if (msg[1].startsWith('#')) {
          const color = await got(
            `${msg[1].replace('#', '')}`
          if (!color?.rgb ?? true) {
            return `${user['username']}, this color Hex was not found.`;
          if (color.rgb.fraction.r === null) {
            return `${user['username']}, this color Hex was not found.`;

          const checkHexFromMessage = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM user_list
                        WHERE color=?`,

          if (!checkHexFromMessage.length) {
            if ( === '#000000') {
              return `${user['username']}, this color Hex was not found.`;
            return `${user['username']}, there is no users with specified color, closest color found to the specified one: ${} (${})`;

          return `${user['username']}, there are ${checkHexFromMessage.length} users with color ${} (${})`;

        const checkUserFromMessage = await utils.query(
                    SELECT *
                    FROM user_list
                    WHERE username=?`,
          [msg[1].replace('@', '')]

        if (!checkUserFromMessage.length) {
          return `${user['username']}, this user does not exist in my database.`;

        const updateColor = await got(
          `${msg[1].replace('@', '')}`

        await utils.query(
                    UPDATE user_list
                    SET color=?
                    WHERE username=?`,
            updateColor.chatColor === null ? 'gray' : updateColor.chatColor,
            msg[1].replace('@', ''),

        const userColor = await utils.query(
                    SELECT *
                    FROM user_list
                    WHERE username=?`,
          [msg[1].replace('@', '')]

        if (userColor[0].color === 'gray' || userColor[0].color === null) {
          const userData = await utils.query(`
                        SELECT COUNT(*) AS users
                        FROM user_list
                        WHERE color="gray"`);

          return `${user['username']}, this user has not set a color yet (gray on chatterino),
                    ${userData[0].users - 1} other users didn't set their colors either :o`;

        const usersData = await utils.query(
                    SELECT COUNT(*) AS users
                    FROM user_list
                    WHERE color=?`,

        const color = await got(
          `${userColor[0].color.replace('#', '')}`

        if (Number(usersData[0].users) === 1 || Number(usersData[0].users) === 0) {
          return `${user['username']}, that user is the only one with color
                   ${} ${userColor[0].color}! KomodoHype`;

        return `${user['username']}, this user's color (${} ${
                is being used by ${usersData[0].users - 1} other users`;

      const checkStatsPrefix = input => {
        return msg
          .filter(i => i.toLowerCase().includes(input))

      const checkStatsUserPrefix = msg
        .filter(i => i.startsWith('@'))

      const checkIfOptedOut = async () => {
        for (let i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {
          const findUser = await utils.query(
                        SELECT *
                        FROM optout
                        WHERE command=? AND username=?`,
            ['stats', msg[i].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')]

          if (
            findUser.length &&
            user['username'] != msg[i].toLowerCase().replace(/@|,/g, '')
          ) {
            return findUser;

      switch (true) {
        case checkStatsPrefix('-bruh'):
          if (platform === 'whisper') {
            return 'This usage is disabled on this platform';
          if ((await checkIfOptedOut())?.length ?? false) {
            return `${user['username']}, that user has opted out from being a target of this command.`;
          return statsBruh(); // kb stats -bruh [@user or #channel]

        case checkStatsPrefix('-lines'):
          if ((await checkIfOptedOut())?.length ?? false) {
            return `${user['username']}, that user has opted out from being a target of this command.`;
          return statsLines(); // kb stats -lines [@user] [#channel]

        case checkStatsPrefix('-channel'):
          return statsChannel(); // kb stats -channel [#channel]

        case checkStatsPrefix('-color'):
          if ((await checkIfOptedOut())?.length ?? false) {
            return `${user['username']}, that user has opted out from being a target of this command.`;
          return statsColor(); // kb stats -color [@user]

        case checkStatsUserPrefix:
          if (platform === 'whisper') {
            return 'This usage is disabled on this platform';
          if ((await checkIfOptedOut())?.length ?? false) {
            return `${user['username']}, that user has opted out from being a target of this command.`;
          return statsUser(); // kb stats [@user] [message]

        case msg.length != 0:
          if (platform === 'whisper') {
            return 'This usage is disabled on this platform';
          return statsMessage(); // kb stats [message]

          if (platform === 'whisper') {
            return 'This usage is disabled on this platform';
          return stats(); // kb stats
    } catch (err) {
      return `${user['username']}, ${err} FeelsDankMan !!!`;