0 | 4head | 7s | ❌ | | kb 4head | random joke related to either programming or general stuff |
1 | bible | 5s | ❌ | | kb bible | |
2 | channels | 5s | ❌ | | kb channels | information about currently joined channels |
3 | commands | 5s | ❌ | | kb commands | list of commands at https://kunszg.com/commands |
4 | cookie | 5s | ❌ | | kb cookie register kb cookie unregister kb cookie force kb cookie whisper kb cookie silence kb cookie status | cookie reminder (NOTE: this is not a minigame, it's just a reminder for thepositivebot's cookies) - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
5 | countdown | 30s | ❌ | | kb countdown [seconds] | generates a timer based on provided seconds - [...] you can use it to sync up with other people to watch a movie or something eShrug command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
6 | dank | 5s | ✅ | | kb dank [user] kb dank [users separated by space] | dank a user, users or yourself - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
7 | ed | 5s | ❌ | | kb ed register kb ed unregister kb ed force kb ed silence | ed reminder (NOTE: this is not a minigame, it's just a reminder for huwobot's dungeon minigame) - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
8 | emotes | 8s | ❌ | | kb emotes kb emotes [-bttv/-ffz] [#channel] kb emotes removed kb emotes removed [-bttv/-ffz] [#channel] kb emotesearch [emote] kb emotesearch [emote] i:[number] | returns latest added 7tv, ffz and bttv emotes added to the channel, also supports searching those services for given emote - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
9 | github | 5s | ❌ | | kb github | link to my github repository |
10 | google | 5s | ❌ | | kb google [message] | google search link with provided message |
11 | help | 5s | ❌ | | kb help [command] | help command, for command usage check: https://kunszg.com/commands |
12 | hug | 5s | ✅ | | kb hug [user] kb hug [users separated by space] | hug a specific user or group of users - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
13 | id | 5s | ✅ | | kb id kb id [user] | get data related to given user or yourself from my database - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
14 | joemama | 5s | ✅ | | kb joemama | |
15 | lastfm | 5s | ❌ | | kb lastfm kb lastfm [@user] kb lastfm allow kb lastfm disallow kb lastfm unregister | Lastfm integration, check what others are playing and share your currently playing song - [...] register: https://kunszg.com/connections | command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
16 | locate | 5s | ❌ | | kb locate [location] kb locate [message as IP] kb locate -dist [location1] to [location2] | get specific information about provided location or ip address, or check the distance between places - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
17 | ls | 5s | ✅ | | kb ls [user] | get the last message of a given user |
18 | namechange | 5s | ✅ | | kb namechange kb namechange [user] | kb namechange [username] - [...] shows username changes logged by bot since April 2020 |
19 | npm | 5s | ❌ | | kb npm [message] | [permissions required] search Node Package Manager |
20 | optout | 5s | ❌ | | kb optout [command] kb optout all | optout from being a target of given command or all the commands - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
21 | pattern | 120s | ❌ | | kb pattern [pyramid/triangle] [number] [message] | [permissions required] builds a pyramid from given parameters - [...] usable only by channel owners (broadcasters) or permitted users - [...] - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
22 | ping | 5s | ❌ | | kb ping | ping command with current status data |
23 | rf | 5s | ❌ | | kb rf | displays random fact about random stuff |
24 | rl | 8s | ✅ | | kb rl kb rl [@user] kb rl [#channel] kb rl [@user] [#channel] | returns a randomly selected line from database - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
25 | rp | 5s | ❌ | | kb rp [message] | [restricted to supinic's channel] random playsound |
26 | rt | 5s | ❌ | | kb rt [message as genre name/id] | returns a random track with YT link for specified genre - [...] list of genres: https://kunszg.com/genres - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
27 | spacex | 8s | ❌ | | kb spacex | returns next spacex flight data |
28 | spotify | 5s | ✅ | | kb spotify kb spotify [-t] kb spotify search [-a] [song/artist] kb spotify yoink @user [-t][-q] kb spotify [@user] kb spotify top [@user] [artists/tracks] [short/medium/long] kb spotify unregister kb spotify [play/queue] kb spotify start kb spotify pause kb spotify volume [number in range of 0-100] kb spotify skip kb spotify shuffle [on/off] kb spotify repeat [track/context/off] kb spotify allow kb spotify disallow | Control your Spotify, check what others are playing and share your currently playing song - [...] register: https://kunszg.com/connections | command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
29 | stats | 10s | ✅ | | kb stats kb stats -channel [channel] kb stats -bruh [user] kb stats [@user] [message] kb stats -lines [@user] [#channel] kb stats -color [user] kb stats -color -gen | various statistics related to logged messages - [...] command usage: https://kunszg.com/commands |
30 | suggest | 5s | ❌ | | kb suggest [message] | suggest changes in bot etc. |
31 | surah | 5s | ❌ | | kb surah | |
32 | twitter | 5s | ❌ | | kb twitter [twitter username] | returns latest post/retweet of specified twitter account |
33 | uptime | 5s | ❌ | | kb uptime | |
34 | website | 5s | ❌ | | kb website | |
35 | wowtoken | 15s | ❌ | | kb wowtoken | current price of World of Warcraft token |